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Soo.. What Is Fashion?

What is FASHION?

(via Pixabay)

So exactly what does fashion mean? According to Merriam-Webster it is:

” a. The prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time –

b. A prevailing custom, usage, or style 

c. Social standing or prominence especially as
signalized by dress of conduct “

A lot of people feel that what’s trendy is only what everyone else is wearing or what celebrities are sporting. Everyone has their own statement piece that they love, but another person may cringe at the sight of it. Just because something may be labeled as being trendy that does not necessarily mean that everyone is trying to get their hands on it. Many people are looked at as being “weird” just because they don’t like to wear what everyone else does at the moment. Majority of the runway shows from one of the many fashion weeks in the world showcase some of the most craziest and insane designs that majority of humans would never be seen in. There’s only one Rihanna, we all can’t pull off a black plastic bag and still look like a queen.

Remember, no matter what blogs..even this one posts YOU are the judge of what’s trendy and what’s not. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be “in” sometimes and wear the latest trends, but always aim to be a trendSETTER not a trendFOLLOWER. If it makes you feel  great and you feel comfortable then wear it! You make your own RULES!!

According to NeshaRocheBeauty the definition of fashion is:


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