Don’t Overspend During Your Shopping Trip

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A fashionista like myself is always on the look for new fashionable pieces to add to their wardrobe. We constantly scope the malls, search online, stalk celebrity social medias, and sometimes we just plain out ask strangers about their outfits. It’s easy to overspend when you’re shopping.

When you’re a trendsetter fashion is something that simply does not have a price tag. The joy that you instantly get when you buy a new jacket or after you buy another pair of jeans is truly amazing. Although, we’ve literally just tried it on in the fitting room we still cant wait to get it home and do it all over again. That feeling of accomplishment is soon overpowered by sadness and guilt. The receipt is staring at us and your hands instantly begin to feel hot. Those high waist blue jeans that
are now in your closet had a hefty price tag.

Who knew that lust could hit you in a fitting room. While you’re checking yourself out from all angles in the fitting room you were too happy for reality to set in. Truth is, you have another pair of jeans that are so closely similar that no one would know that they’re new jeans but you. Why did you get them?

Shopping is not necessarily a hobby, but its a habit. If you do too much of it, it can be a bad habit that can put you in a lot of financial struggles.

Who said we cant look good and save money at the same time? No one, because we can. It’s possible to be trendy and fashionable, but not break your budget. Below I’ve listed of few tips that I follow whenever I go shopping so that I stay within my budget and still remain satisfied.

5 Tips to Keep In Mind When Shopping

  1. Bring only a certain amount of cash.  When planning a day of shopping only bring the approximate amount of the items that you wish to buy – 10%. Why should you only bring  cash? It is proven that when you use a /debit/credit card you tend to spend  more money. If you only have a specific amount of funds then you can worry less about going over budget and more on what you can buy.
  2. Time your purchases.       
    Always make it a priority to check stores for special events and sales that may possible be going on. Some stores even broadcast or promote upcoming sales. Let’s say you buy a shirt from Macy’s for $49.95, but tomorrow Macy’s is having a 30% sale that will include that exact shirt. If you only took the time to read their weekly newsletter you could’ve saved money and possibly bought another item just by waiting 24 hours.
  3. Avoid buying “One-Time” Items
    It’s hard not to buy that red shiny sequin dress that your favorite store just received. It’s beautiful, unique, and if you buy it now you would be one of the first ones to have it. Is that $99 dollar dress really worth it though? Let’s be honest, that dress is only worth wearing to a New Year’s party and it will not be a repeat wear. Always try to buy items that you know will be worn multiple times.
  4. Can You Buy It Twice? Just because you can physically buy something, does not mean that you can afford it. Rule of thumb: Before you buy that expensive pair of stilettos ask yourself if you could buy it twice. If you can buy it twice and it not leave you in a financial bind then go for it! If not.. Put your pride to the side and place the heels back on the rack.
  5. Price Match This tip can easily go in conjunction with tip #2. Always check different places for different prices. If you see a makeup brush that you want in one store, but you see that another store is selling it cheaper what do you do? Simply ask for a price match. You’ll be surprised how many stores do price matches. If you don’t know, it never hurts to ask.

Now that you have a few tips on how to save money when shopping you can know shop without crying later. Remain guilt-free and stay beautiful! Mwah!

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