DIY Deep Conditioning Treatment !

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Make Your Own Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment

Before we get into the recipe for this DIY deep conditioning treatment, let’s talk about my day. I’m proud of myself. After working eight hours today, doing 2 hours of volunteer work, and still managing to hit the gym. Go me! I feel like I accomplished a lot today, but there’s one thing that desperately needs attention. If I do say so myself, my hair looks a mess. Not only are my ends split, but my ends are severely damaged.

As I prepare for my shower, I reach into my vanity cabinet for my special deep conditioning hair treatment and suddenly feel a sense of emptiness. If only I placed the order instead of leaving it in Amazon’s cart I could possibly have another full bottle in front of me. My hair desperately needs conditioning, but kudos to myself for being such a do-it-yourself-er. (Maybe that’s not a real word, but it sure sounds right.) I went to the kitchen, pulled out a few ingredients including a mixing bowl and got to mixing!

A medium sized mixing bowl used when making DIY deep conditioning hair treatment.
My DIY Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment INGREDIENTS:
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • Mixing bowl and a spoon

Although this recipe is extremely easy to make, you have to make sure to follow instructions closely or else you’ll end up with eggs stuck in your hair. The heat from the shower can leave a scrambled mess in your mane and THAT we do not want.

Step 1: Mix the olive oil and mayonnaise together in the mixing bowl using mixing spoon.

Step 2: Leave it in for 5-10 minutes, crack the egg, and apply it to your hair.

Step 3: Leave the egg in for 2 minutes before fully cleaning and washing your hair.

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