DIY Charcoal and Honey Face Mask

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We’ve all seen those peeling face masks in Walmart and Target. Even though they’re literally cheaper than a happy meal from McDonald’s we don’t really want to buy it. There’s a slim chance that you’ll even get the expectations that you’re looking for. I’m really into do-it-yourself (DIY) projects so I prefer to just make charcoal face masks. That way I’ll have more product left for future uses and I’ll know exactly what products that I’m applying to my face.

I’m going to give you my personal version of the Freeman’s Charcoal and Black Sugar Face mask that I’ve bought in the past. It’s a really easy recipe that you can easily do yourself at home. Charcoal has been a real big for the past months and I’m a firm believer that it does wonders for your skin. Charcoal not only can help with toning your complexion , but it also helps any acne issues by helping to remove dirt, bacteria, and anything else that is not pleasing to your skin. I’ve placed the recipe below so enjoy!


Hydrating Charcoal Face Mask:
2 tablespoons of activated charcoal. (This is the kind that I prefer.)
tablespoon of honey
1 drop of coconut oil
pinch or 2 of baking powder
plastic spoon and plastic/paper bowl (charcoal will stain)

  • Mix all ingredients except for the baking powder together in the paper bowl using the plastic spoon.
  • After ingredients are fully blended, add in baking powder, and SLOWLY mix
  • Evenly spread over your face (avoiding your eyes)
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing
  • Rinse twice. 1st with warm water and second with cool water

Let me know your feelings in the comments below ! =)

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